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About Us

About Us | Express Drywall Inc. - San Antonio, TX

No other drywall contractor in San Antonio, TX or the nearby area has more experience or a broader portfolio of work than us. We have completed over 25,000 multi-family apartment units in the US. That may be an astounding amount of work for average drywall contractors, but for us, it is an indelible part of our legacy as a professional company. We are Express Drywall Inc., and we want to meet and exceed all of your drywall needs.

Our reputation for high quality work stretches not just in the largest cities in Texas, but all over North America. There is simply no one else in San Antonio, TX that has more experience in professional drywall work than us. That is why when you want to make sure your job is done right, you need to call on us. We provide drywall services of all kinds, including light metal stud framing work, and of course, drywall installation.

We have been in business since 1987, and our management staff has 90+ years of combined experience in the industry. Whether you need an entire apartment complex outfitted with quality drywall or you just need some repairs for your home or commercial business, you will be thrilled with the finished product that we give you. Give us a call to get started on your project today!

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